Thursday, March 1, 2018

There's a SECRET in Maple Ridge, BC.

There's a SECRETin Maple Ridge, British Columbia.

Not many know of this unique and wondrous location.

In our previous blog posts, we've covered Alouette Lake which itself is magical. The energy that can be felt when standing ashore the lake can only be described by feeling it.

Golden Ears Parkway is the road that leads you towards Alouette Lake and its most certainly recommended to visit.


If you're taking the journey down Golden Ears Parkway, you may as well venture just a bit further and head to
Gold Creek Falls:

As we all know, videos/photos do no justice to the actual experience. Alas, a brief description of the journey may help to push some into this place.

As you park in the lot, a place to "relieve yourself" is available before you trek towards the falls.
There are two options to get to the falls; one is obviously harder and longer of a hike and the other is fairly easy:

  1. The harder path has you paralleling the path on the mountain-side with long uphill sections. Eventually a small sign will point down the mountain along a one-person wide, almost hidden trail that leads through the brush. After a battle through the bush along the trail, you discover a path at the bottom and find yourself at Gold Creek Falls. You'll most likely take the easier path back towards the parking lot.
  2. The easier path is fairly wide, easy enough to walk side-by-side with another while passing another couple doing the same. The terrain of the walkway is fairly smooth, easy enough to walk or even run with a stroller. Ups and downs make it a small workout for those not as active. After roughly thirty minutes, you reach the falls.

Energy; Alouette lake has this natural energy but pales in comparison to standing by the falls and feeling the mist hit your skin, the sound of water crashing and rushing into and down the mountain.

If you go, document it for yourself to always look back and remember.

Because you certainly won't forget.

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